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Our values are simple:

  • • To build understanding, processes and systems that are sustainable and flexible to meet the demands of the future.
  • • To work honestly and diligently to deliver what we promise according to the agreed budget and schedule.
  • • To strive continuously to maintain our skills and information so as to be able to deliver insight and advice that is the best available.
  • • To avoid conflicts of interest, revenue flows exclusively from fee-for-services work. The firm will not sell nor will it receive commission on the sale of products or service not of its own creation.

We hold as a model for delivery of service one Cincinnatus, a Roman nobleman who lived in the fifth century BCE. Many consider Cincinnatus to be the world's first strategic consultant. In 458 BCE Rome was in deep trouble, being attacked by barbarian hordes from the east. Though barbarian, the Aiqui had developed new weapons and new offensive tactics and were battering the Roman army. Cincinnatus, who had served Rome as a capable general but was retired to farming, was called by the Roman Senate to organize the city and command the army. Cincinnatus took on the project and developed city defenses and mobilized the army to victory. He then returned to his plow, knowing that Rome would be better able to withstand the next attack because of what he had taught the people.

We believe in the model of Cincinnatus. Our objective is to support leaders of organizations that are facing challenging circumstances or simply need capable experts and knowledgeable advice for a time. We do the work and return to our plow, having passed on the capability to sustain success.

of interest...

E-rate program compliance

Continuity planning

Project rescue

Business Knowledge

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